In the last blog post Jac looked at What is Brand Identity and Why Should It Matter to You. Here, I am going to take a look at what should be included when developing a brand identity and offer some useful tips to making it as strong as possible.

Before you even begin the design process in earnest it is imperative that you have a thorough understanding of who you are. In order to do this you need to get to grips with your mission statement, values, personality, unique selling points (USPs) and voice. Ask yourself the following:

  • Why did you start the business? What exactly does your business do? And what do you want it to be doing in the future?
  • What are the beliefs and values that are important to you as a company? What is the key message you wish to convey to your customers?
  • What makes you special? For example, does your company have a unique story? What do you do better than your competitors that helps your company to stand out from the crowd?
  • How do you see yourself and how do you want others to perceive you? Can this be summed up in just three words?
  • If your brand was a person how would it communicate to others? Bold, confident, caring, inspiring etc?

Once you’ve buttoned down who you are as a brand it’s time to begin building your brand identity. A comprehensive brand identity should include the following:

Your logo is the cornerstone of your brand identity. It is made up of three essential elements (typography, colour, and shape and form). It should appear on every element of your identity, is effectively the face of your company, and is often the first thing a potential customer will notice about your business. It therefore needs to communicate who you are and what your values are as a brand, as well as looking to convey that your business is professional, trustworthy and the right choice for potential clients.

Brightlingsea Sailing Club Logo
Brightlingsea Sailing Club Logo created on behalf of Hughes & Co Design

Your business stationery and in particular your business card is often the first interaction a potential customer will have with your company. It is therefore essential that you take this opportunity to make a great first impression. Business stationery is an opportunity to showcase the elements of typography, colour, and form and shape from your logo design to help reinforce a positive opinion of your brand values and personality in the eyes of potential clients.

Jac Creative Stationery
Jac Creative Brand Identity

In today’s digital age your website is quite possibly the singular most important aspect of your brand identity, particularly if you are an online business or digital product. It is often the first place a potential client will go to after meeting you face to face, or the first thing they will see after performing an online search. It is therefore critical that it is designed appropriately, effectively and aesthetically in order to reinforce your brand voice and personality, create a memorable brand experience and enable you to make a positive connection with potential customers. Consider accessibility and ensure you deliver a seamless experience across all devices.

Salters Institute Website
Salters Institute Responsive Website created on behalf of Hughes & Co Design

Email is a simple, cost effective tool to help reinforce your brand, engage new and existing customers and drive new business. Busy working lives often result in digital overload, meaning that it is essential to formulate the right email strategy. A good email campaign, whether it is designed to educate or drive sales, should always conform to your brand objectives and take the opportunity to promote the brand itself through clear and consistent design.

Packaging and apparel
If you are selling a physical product then let your design do the talking and create standout packaging to make a meaningful and lasting impression on your customers. If your product is a service take the opportunity to boost your brand by creating striking clothing and vehicle livery. Your staff are the literal face of your brand, will have daily interactions with existing and potential customers, and will give you the opportunity to create positive brand experiences and drive revenue.

Clear, concise, on brand signage is vitally important particularly for retail, healthcare, transportation and hospitality industries. It helps to increase brand visibility and recognition, make a lasting first impression and can help to encourage consumer spend.

Imagery refers to the style of photography and iconography used by your company to promote your brand’s identity, personality and positioning. Careful consideration should be given over to ensuring that the corporate image portrayed by your chosen imagery reflect the positioning and values of your company. Ensure imagery is thoughtful and engaging, and that iconography is simple, intuitive and consistent.

Language and Tone of Voice
Language and tone of voice refer to the wording (and it’s implementation) that your company chooses to use to demonstrate your brand’s unique positioning, values and goals. Often overlooked, it can be as important as the visual elements of your brand identity in engaging potential customers and encouraging ongoing dialogue with existing clients.

Don’t forget your brand style guide
Once you’ve created all the elements of your brand identity, you’ll need a brand style guide to ensure that it is implemented correctly by your own team and other companies who you may be collaborating with. The style guide outlines your brand’s design elements, when and how to apply them, as well as any dos and don’ts for your brand. This should ensure that all future design is created in accordance with your brand identity. There is nothing more disheartening than a beautifully designed visual identity that is used incorrectly or worse still, never used at all.

Ingrebourne Links Brand Guidelines
Ingrebourne Links Brand Guidelines created on behalf of Hughes & Co Design

So why not get yourself a strong brand identity today?
Contact Jac Creative and see how I can help you stand out from the crowd.

Business vector created by pikisuperstar