A strong and instantly recognisable brand is one of the most significant attributes in the overall success of a company. Effective branding can help your company to stand out from the crowd; forging client relationships, building reputations and promoting loyalty and recognition. The strongest and most successful brands (think Apple, Google, Nike and the BBC) are instantly recognisable to audiences across the world. These global giants acknowledge the importance of good branding and invest wisely in the development of their brand identities. But you’re not Google, so why should you invest? Let’s start by finding out “what exactly is brand identity”?

What is brand identity?

Brand identity is the collection of elements that a company produces in order to portray a desired image to the world and more importantly to its customers. Often over simplified, it is more than just a logo, and includes visual elements such as stationery, website and email, printed materials such as brochures and flyers, signage, packaging and apparel; as well as language and tone of voice. Your brand identity should communicate your business’s mission, personality, values and unique selling points (USPs).

Why is it important to my business?

Developing a professional and adhesive brand identity is a hugely important part of any effective business strategy. There are a number of rewarding benefits associated with it that businesses of all types and sizes can enjoy.

  1. Consistency – A strong brand identity built around the core elements of your brand helps to create a consistent message across all marketing materials. By maintaining a consistent and clear brand across all channels, customers can instantly and easily recognise your brand.
  2. Recognition – Brand recognition is achieved by repeatedly exposing your customers to a consistent visual and tonal experience. The more consistent your brand is the more memorable it will be. The more places your brand is featured, the more contact it will have with consumers. Marry these two together and the greater the chance you’ll remain top of the list for existing and potential customers.
  3. Differentiation – Every time a potential customer interacts with your brand identity you have a chance to make a connection, create a memorable brand experience and make that little difference. A professional, creative identity can differentiate your business from the competition in today’s increasingly crowded marketplace and help you stand out to new clients.
  4. Experience, reliability and perception of quality – A business with a strong brand identity is more likely to be perceived as an experienced and trustworthy business. With experience comes reliability and perception of quality. There may not be significant difference between your company and your competitors but a professional brand identity helps to give the perception of quality, allowing you to win new business or charge a price premium.
  5. Customer loyalty – A strong brand identity that conveys your personality and values helps to build an emotional connection with your customers. People like to be associated with “good” brands especially ones that share the same values as them. If a customer is happy with your products or services this strong brand identity makes it easier to develop long term relationships, leading to greater customer loyalty, as well as an increased likelihood of referral to other potential customers.


A strong brand identity helps customers differentiate you from your competitors and can positively influence their purchasing decisions, directly effecting your profitability. The time, money and effort you put into your branding can make all the difference. The results can be instrumental in the success of your business – the difference between winning that piece of business or missing out all together.

So why not get yourself a strong brand identity today?

Contact Jac Creative today and see how I can help you stand out from the crowd >

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